Free Consultation

15-minute consultation to help you understand more about how Art Therapy can help with your mental health

1. Search

Go through our list of Art Therapists. Take a look at their profile and see if you feel interested in working with them

2. Schedule

Book a free 15-minute consultation. Some require you to send them an email or book through our booking app.

3. Connect

Have the consultation to see if the two of you are a good fit.

Things To Keep In Mind

consultation with our art therapists
  • There’s no obligation to book a session on the spot. The art therapist might check in with you to see if you’d like to book a session at the end of the call.

    If you feel that it’s a good fit, then go for it!

    If you’re feeling that you need some time to think about it, you can always say. ‘Let me think about it. Thanks!’

  • This is an informal conversation between you and your potential therapist to see if you’ll be a good fit for each other.

  • Any ‘real’ therapy will only happen in the first formal session. This is more of a space for the two of you to get to know each other.

  • This is a space to help address any questions/ concerns you have about starting therapy, trying art therapy, how the therapy process looks like etc. We are here to support you, so if you have any questions, ask away!

What happens in a 15-minute consultation?